This week is National DSP week. DSP's are the staff at Empower Cherokee who work directly with the people who use our services. DSP's are the ones who make sure goals are achieved, desired outcomes are accomplished, and generally make sure that the people we support have the best day possible. Direct Support Staff provide all necessary supports that make it possible for Empower Cherokee to "empower people to live like they define it".
Show Your Support
We would love to have our communities help celebrate our direct support staff!!! Here are a few ways you can make a difference.
Give a shout out to a member of our DSP team, a department, or the whole organization by commenting on this post on our Facebook site at HTTP://
Donate to our Amazon Wish List or directly to Empower Cherokee in recognition of a staff member, department, or the organization. Click your choice below to donate.
Tokens Of Appreciation - Empower Cherokee policy prohibits our staff from receiving gifts, however, if you would like to sponsor an appreciation snack, breakfast, or lunch for a team or the entire agency it would be appreciated. Contact if you are interested in this option.
Featured Direct Support Staff of the Day
Every day this week we will feature different staff and what makes their core gifts so important to everyone at Empower Cherokee. We will be focusing on direct support staff this week, but in the future we will feature our administrative and management staff as well.
Eagle Point Direct Support Professionals
Eagle Point DSP's operate a program at 1229 Univeter Rd. The program at Eagle Point is geared toward participants who prefer a quieter slower paced environment. The Eagle Point team specializes in supporting participants who need a higher level of support to accomplish their hopes and dreams. The members of this team work very closely together and anyone who visits Eagle Point will quickly feel that they are among family.
Christy Allen
Christy has been with Empower Cherokee for 1 year and 9 months. She really advocates for the people she supports and focuses on what they would like their day to look like each day. She is extremely creative and the people she supports love to do arts and crafts with her. Christy designed the beloved Eagle Point Rock garden. She Enjoys taking groups out to the park for picnics as well as many other places.
Tracy Besson
Tracy has been a member of Empower Cherokee for 3.5 years. She has worked at Eagle Point her entire tenure at Empower Cherokee. Tracy has a mild manner and a green thumb. She enjoys planting flowers and veggies with the participants and teaches the participants how to care for a garden. The people Tracy supports especially like that she enjoys sitting in the courtyard and listen to music with them. She is patient and easy going.
Bernard Cuvilly
Bernard, who starts every day with a bright smile, has worked at the Eagle Point location at Empower Cherokee for almost 7 years. Bernard is amazing with and adored by the people he supports. He sits down with them and paints and makes posters and rocks for our Rock Garden. He also speaks multiple languages. Some of the individuals grab his hand so he will take them for a walk both indoors and outside depending on the weather.
Wesline Danastor
Wesline has worked at Eagle Point for 5 years and 9 months. She enjoys exercising every morning with the participates and getting them moving through dancing or playing games. Wesline speaks multiple languages and teaches the participants words in different languages. The individuals she supports love to dance with Wesline and eat her internationally inspired cooking. She is always willing to do what is asked and is flexible and accommodating to the needs of others.